As a software engineer with over a decade of experience, I’ve built applications for businesses of all sizes. From working with small groups and tight deadlines to lengthy and complex projects spanning multiple teams, I’ve consistently delivered successful results. Each role has given me the responsibilities of initiating, planning, and implementing various features and improvements, while also managing the work of others along the way. I value and enjoy the learning process and consistent change inherent in software development. It has and will continue to provide me with exciting new challenges and opportunities to adapt and grow both personally and professionally.
Senior Software Engineer - WebMD Health Services - Remote
April 2020 - Current
- Planned and implemented multiple front-end clients and back-end microservices for new and existing features while also delegating development responsibilities to other teammates and contractors.
- Led cross-team design and implementation of an OAuth 2.0 compliant identity management system for API authentication and authorization
- Notably increased performance, up to 100x, of multiple microservices by resolving long standing technical issues and modernizing implementations
- Organized initiatives to help refine system architecture and implementations for scalability and performance improvements
- Participated in various interviews that eventually added several successful new hires to our contractors and team.
- Technologies: TypeScript, JavaScript, C#, React.js, Node.js, .Net Core, RabbitMQ, Redis, MSSQL, Microservices, Docker
Senior Software Engineer - StayWell (acquired by WebMD Health Services) - Remote
May 2019 - April 2020
- Led planning and implementation of multiple third-party API integrations, SSO implementations, and other important client facing features, bugs, and security related fixes for both web and mobile.
- Developed applications with a focus on code coverage using TDD and best practices.
- Deployed in a continuous build cycle across multiple environments.
- Technologies: JavaScript, Java, React.js, React Native, Node.js, Spring, Redis, MySQL, Microservices, Docker, Terraform, AWS - EC2, RDS, S3, SQS, SNS, Cloudwatch
Mobile Development Lead - Bridgestone - Nashville TN
December 2016 - March 2019
- Led team for development and support of B2B / B2C web applications and mobile apps for multiple lines of business
- Centralized distribution of web and mobile apps for various business units using CI/CD tools.
- Created initiatives to define system architecture and best practices, implementation details, and support guidelines for our applications.
- Provided technical leadership, mentoring of developers, code review, and coding guidelines/standards.
- Technologies: Objective-C, Swift, Java, JavaScript, iOS, Android, React Native, Node.js, MySQL, AWS - EC2, S3, SNS
Software Developer - PointClear Solutions - Nashville, TN
May 2015 - December 2016
- Consulted with various clients, both on-site and remote to plan and implement their applications
- Architected and delivered mobile applications including a medical device application and an educational institution student application.
- Developed front-end client and microservices for patient management, EHR, and provider locator applications.
- Built in-house time-reporting tooling to increase team transparency and effectiveness.
- Created and maintained CI builds using Jenkins for automating the testing and deployment process of both front-end assets and Docker containers.
- Technologies: JavaScript, Swift, PHP, React.js, Angular.js, Node.js, iOS, .Net, MySQL, MSSQL, Microservices, AWS - EC2, S3, SNS, Docker
Software Engineer 1 - MedHost - Franklin, TN
May 2014 - May 2015
- Led adoption of updated front-end UI framework
- Implemented coding standards and best practices for JavaScript
- Led feature development and provided mentoring of development team
- Worked on performance improvements and refactoring code on front-end
- Integrated new features into existing parts of the application
- Fixed various bugs related to layout and functionality
- Technologies: JavaScript, Java, jQuery, Backbone.js, Marionette.js, Bootstrap, Spring
Software Developer - Mobile Tech GIS Center at APSU - Clarksville, TN
March 2013 - May 2014
- Transitioned development practices and applications to a more structured and testable workflow
- Planned and implemented REST services to provide a standardized web API for an asset management/inventory tracking system
- Created an accompanying mobile application for scanning inventory QR codes and saving/updating information via the API
- Built a front-end scaffolding library for future web applications.
- Technologies: JavaScript, Objective-C, PHP, jQuery, Backbone.js, Angular.js, Bootstrap, iOS, Wordpress, CodeIgniter
Austin Peay State University
- B.S. in Computer Science, minor in Mobile Software Development - 2014 GPA: 3.88
- Charter Member of the APSU Chapter of Upsilon Pi Epsilon (Honor Society for Computing and Information Disciplines)
- Member of the APSU chapter of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
- PSM 1 - Professional Scrum Master